With the VITO oil filter system, McDonald's is
proven to save 30% of liquid gold!
VITO removes all micro particles and suspended sediments from your oil. The particles don’t burn any longer in the oil so
you can use your frying oil significantly longer. The handling for the McDonald’s team is very easy, fast and safe.
Every restaurant improves profitability and maintains quality standards.
Save up to 30% of
your liquid gold
Higher quality of oil
and fried foods
Less workload
around the fryer
Easy monitoring
and controlling
condiments cost
The expected ROI is just 6-12 months – making your business more profitable!
+ VITO is the perfect addition to every integrated filtration and helps to become more efficient!
With the VITO oil filter system, McDonald's is proven to save up to 30% of liquid gold!
VITO removes all micro particles and suspended sediments from your oil. The particles don’t burn any longer in the oil so you can use your frying oil significantly longer. The handling for the McDonald’s team is very easy, fast and safe. Every restaurant improves profitability and maintains quality standards.
Save up to 30% of your liquid gold
Higher quality of oil and fried foods
Less workload around the fryer
Easy monitoringand controlling
Reduced condiments cost

Together with McDonald’s we created the following handling instructions.
See how easy the work with the VITO oil filter system is!

The expected ROI is just 6-12 months – making your business more profitable!
+ VITO is the perfect addition to every integrated filtration and helps to become more efficient!

SOP control
VITOconnect guarantees the compliance with SOPs
Monitor VITO performance remotely and get custom reports sent via email
Investment protection
Seamless documentation of VITO usage ensures optimal cost control and its return on investment
Configurate the filtration cycle time of your VITO to your needs via mobile,tablet or PC
Visit connect.vito.ag to track your VITO usage
Find VITOconnect instructions here